Cysticercosis Eye

What is Cysticercosis of the Eye?

Cysticercosis of the eyes is a parasitic disease that occurs when eggs of the porcine tapeworm (Tanenia solium) get into the eyes of a person.

The cysticercosis of the eyes is caused by the penetration of larvae of pork tapeworm (Taenia solium) into the eyes, where they are transformed into encapsulated Finns (or otherwise, cysticerci) and can exist for many years in this form.

Cysticercosis of the eyes is recorded in 40-45% of patients.

Symptoms of Eye Cysticercosis

Patients complain of distortion in the shape of objects, lacrimation, pain, a gradual decrease in visual acuity. Cysticerci are localized in the vitreous, anterior chamber of the eye and cause transient visual disturbances.

Reactive uveitis, retinitis, conjunctivitis, often leading to blindness, develop.

Diagnosis of Cysticercosis of the Eyes

Diagnosis is based on taking into account epidemiological data, an anamnesis (teniosis disease), a peculiar course of the disease with a change in the acute phase of spontaneous remission and a gradual decrease in the duration of periods of clinical well-being.

With cysticercosis of the eye, ophthalmoscopy is used. Superficially located cysticerci are detected during examination and biopsy.

Eosinophilia is often noted in the blood. RSC blood and especially cerebrospinal fluid using cysticercic antigen have diagnostic value.

Cysticercosis Eye Treatment

With cysticercosis, praziquantel is prescribed. The daily dose of 50 mg / kg (0.05 g per 1 kg of body weight), divided into 3 doses with food. The course of treatment is 14-15 days.

With cysticercosis of the eye, single nodes and cysts are subject to surgical removal (if surgical access is possible).

Prevention of Cysticercosis of the Eyes

Of great importance is the observance of personal hygiene rules, the appropriate processing of food products, vegetables, fruits, sanitary supervision in slaughterhouses for pork carcasses.